End Bullying Today
Only by working together can we end BULLYING!
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How we started
This website was started after we began our blog http://theupperroomantibullyingspot.blogspot.com/ which was a beacon to all those who love the Lord but felt helpless in the controversy of the Bullying topics. This site is here to help, encourage and support those who are looking for direction on how to handle many bullying situations, it also supplies direction to places that supply merchandise to keep the voice of the STOP BULLYING MOVEMENT going. This site is not only tailored for teens and kids but we encourage all parents to please participate. We give words of encouragement and hope that by being here you will not feel alone, isolated and left behind. Although we understand the impact this has on society and family units alike as a whole, we as Christians can educate ourselves to be able to confront this issue with the will of the Father.
We as parents are here to impart knowledge, (whether we have faced this issue ourselves in the past as teens and kids or maybe we ourselves were the aggressor and repented of those things that manifested within us. Each of us has a loving path to the Father and understand the wrong paths we have taken was not of love and was not the purpose of Father God but we can definitely forgive as God has forgiven us.
As teens and kids this site is here as a safe haven. To listen, to learn and impart also your wisdom of how you are dealing or have dealt with any situation.
This site will provide many links to different organizations that will assist and also provide many different resources for you and your family, to aid in the knowledge of this issue. Remember the word says in Proverbs 17:17" A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
We ask that we walk in the the love of the Lord while entering this site, that we treat each other with respect, whether we agree with what they have to say or not and again treating this site as a safe haven for all. A place of agreement is a place of power! We should strive to show love and walk as Jesus walked and speak as Jesus spoke.
Please enjoy the site and love to be able to hear from everyone.